Who is Grant County Search and Rescue
Who We Are

Members are dedicated to training and willing to use our own personal resources to aid or rescue missing person(s) from the back country and mountains of New Mexico.
GCSAR is an all- volunteer organization that was established in 1978, and we have been responding to search and rescue (SAR) missions since.
The members of GCSAR come from all walks of life and various occupations and have a wide range of interests, experience levels, and resources to offer the team.
You are not required to have any special skills or knowledge to become a member of GCSAR. The only requirement is the willingness to train and prepare for a SAR mission. There are many aspects and jobs during a search and rescue mission. A majority of the work is done by field teams who often cover many miles over rough terrain. There is also a group of individuals who provide services such as team call-outs, radio operations, and personnel who plan, organize, and manage the mission. At each mission we typically set up and run an office in the middle of the forest.

Despite our name, we are not affiliated with the government entity of Grant County. A SAR mission in New Mexico is initiated only by the New Mexico State police. GCSAR's "home base" is State Police District 12, which is comprised of all of Grant County, and small parts of Hidalgo, Catron, and Luna Counties. Even so, Grant County SAR is authorized to respond to a search and rescue mission anywhere in the state of New Mexico, if needed.